At Healthy Returns we empower founders to embrace their challenges today in order to thrive tomorrow!

Our practical, hands-on programs have been designed to help founders develop mental and emotional resilience and toughness – crucial elements in the pursuit of wellbeing and personal growth.

Healthy Returns equip founders with the ability and knowledge of how to become more responsive, more resilient, and self-aware.

Self-awareness is key to taking care of your own health. For founders, being self-aware forces you to slow down and observe yourself, like an outsider.

When you become self-aware, you become conscious of your challenges and emotions, and start to understand who you really are inside. As founders you get so caught up in our actions, your tasks and your team that you forget to take a step back and dig a little deeper into who you really are.

Let Healthy Returns support you to embrace your challenges today in order to thrive tomorrow!

Pressure and Isolation: Addressing the Mental Health Crisis in Founders


Mental Health in Founders

% of founders reporting mental health concerns and suffering is almost twice as many as employees

(source: Michael Freeman 2015)


Mental Health Reported

In 2018/19 companies of less than 250 employees reported 40% increase in mental health issues

(source: CIPD, Health and Wellbeing at work Annual Survey 2019)


Mental Health Impacts

Direct & Indirect costs of poor mental health are extensive and detrimental to founders & investors

Be the Change

Proactive care of your wellbeing will preserve your talents as a creator and innovator, and help you optimise your performance as a leader. Depression, anxiety and mood disorders all actively work to undermine your performance.

It is important to remember the wider impact it can have on your business.

Today’s hyper-competitive, complex and fast-changing environment requires highly agile and collaborative teams to gain competitive advantage and high levels of growth to deliver sustainable value to your customers and stakeholders.

Being a strong leader will see you energise your workforce, to create a culture that encourages innovation, collaboration and greater productivity.

It’s time we all acknowledge the risks, eliminate the stigma and take preventative action around mental health.

Check out how we can support you to 'Be The Change' and take the initiative to build your resilience with a clear sense of ownership and inner strength.

 There’s a truism: “It’s lonely at the top” 

Let Health Returns join you on your heroic journey!